Birds of Pray… and Praise – “His eye is on the sparrow.”


Don’t be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There’s nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands. What’s the price of a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what happens to it even more than you do. He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail—even numbering the hairs on your head! So don’t be intimidated by all this bully talk. You’re worth more than a million canaries. – Matthew 10:28-31 (The Message)

My last bird post was December 18. Since then I’ve been randomly collecting additional photographs as our feathered friends fly in for snacks. We’re still amazed at how the new feeders have attracted specific birds with specific foods. So we’ve been trying to keep up with the demand, stocking up on “the good stuff,” serving just the right recipes.

dsc_0074I’m thinking about titling this post, “Birds of Pray” or, “Birds of Praise.” The birds always appear so grateful, and exuberant, and spilling over with song. Sometimes they’re damp, or cold, or both, flying in on a wing and a prayer. But – even if I’ve failed to refill adequately, or I’ve put in the cheap seed because that’s all I have – they don’t seem to complain.

I wonder about the care and creativity that went into their creation. Such beauty! Such grace! Such joy for those of us who sit behind a plate glass window, sipping coffee and consulting the “Birds of North Carolina” handbook.

I hope I fly into church this morning with as much zeal, overflowing with song and with praise, bringing genuine joy to those who catch my spirit.

I hope I fly into church this morning with as much zeal, overflowing with song and with praise, bringing genuine joy to those who catch my spirit.

Jesus uses the image of these birds as a way to remind his followers not to be intimidated by those who abuse power. There’s nothing anyone with world-based authority can do that can threaten the soul, he points out. Listen friends, God even cares for these birds – how much more do you think our Creator cares for us?

dsc_0017Jesus makes a great point. We live in a world where fear-mongering, intimidation, and the abuse of power and influence are common responses. Even people holding elected office often try to use these tactics when they don’t get their own way. There is a lot in this life with the potential to unnerve us.

But we don’t need to be unnerved – not at all. Because we are known, we are loved, and we are sustained by God. God’s son, Jesus, is our friend. The comforter, the Holy Spirit, is our advocate.

It’s all good. His eye is on the sparrow.

dsc_0057Why should I feel discouraged
Why should the shadows come
Why should my heart feel lonely
And long for heaven and home

When Jesus is my portion
A constant friend is he
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches over me
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches me.

Peace, promise, and the blessed confidence of knowing we are loved – DEREK

(click on any image – then advance as a slide show)


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