a charge of life for men (the church so needs this)

NOTE: Sorry for the late post today. I’m also including the rough short video blog. I’m not pleased with the result, but I have promised myself not to let the video take too much time, so no do-overs! (Click here for Derek’s video message)

900UR_1116_10_Life_Charged_WordsToday – Wednesday – my “The Men’s Room” small group is going to be discussing chapter ten from our “10 Life-Charged Words” study.

The title of this evening’s chapter is “Community.” For my money, the practice of authentic community is probably the most important factor if a church is interested in promoting ministry to men that means anything at all beyond the traditional fist-bump and sports-talk that defines the ever-shrinking men’s programs of so many mainline churches.

Personally, I’m firmly convinced that one of the key demographics for the future of the church is this: Men, ages 25-65, who have made the decision to take the steps necessary to move from church membership and into discipleship, and to do it in the context of a small group and mutual encouragement.

MEN: I’m all about shared ministry, and I appreciate faith communities where women and men worship, and learn, and serve, and grow together. But I also believe there’s an important place for specialized work that’s designed to target the unique needs and characteristics of both men and women.

When men find a community where they can be honest, vulnerable, encouraged, held accountable, and loved unconditionally, the benefit extends to every relationship, both those we recognize as spiritual and those we consider to be part of our day-to-day lives.

EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL: My goal, as a leader, is to help guys understand that the distinction they make between their “spiritual” life and their “normal” life is unnecessary.

God shouldn’t be compartmentalized; our entire life is our spiritual life. Once we understand that faith can – and must – inhabit every element of what it means to be a man, then that’s when we begin to really grow as disciples.

10-WORDS: The ten “life-charged” words highlighted in my book are as follows:

  • Jesus
  • Excellence
  • Passion
  • Capacity
  • Scripture
  • Holiness
  • Clarity
  • Prayer
  • Authenticity
  • Community

And # 10 is a game-changer for guys. I believe very strongly that intentional COMMUNITY is the place where men can learn so much more about the other nine words.

Community is the place where we can be challenged and encouraged; equipped, and then sent out into the balance of our lives; men charged to the hilt with the life of Jesus!



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