“The heavens declare the glory of God!” (Niagara Falls Rapids)

DSC_0517The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world… (Psalm 19)

Dear Friends:

Today I’m neck-deep in moving preparations, and it’s difficult to justify the time necessary to write. I am, to be honest, overwhelmed and just a little anxious. It’s OK, really, and the level of anxiety is actually much less than I’d anticipated. But still, I am finding it difficult to write.

So, as this is something I’ve had sitting on my camera for a few days, I’d like to share my video-post from Niagara Falls. Rebekah and I took a hike alongside the white-water rapids, a couple of miles below the falls, and both of us were struck with awe at the tremendous power we were witness to.

“I’ve got to say something!” I said. “Just turn on the video for a minute and I’ll stand in front of the rapids.”


DSC_0603CAN’T HELP MYSELF: For me, “saying something” is part of the way that I process an experience. There’s quiet contemplation, there’s the emotional response that I feel all the way down to my toes, there’s writing about it later, and then there’s making some kind of testimony with my voice.

So I felt perfectly OK about blocking the path for a minute, and about speaking as loudly as I could into the camera about how marvelous God’s creation is, and about having other tourist look at me funny – because witnessing is sometimes simply nothing more (or less) than declaring out loud the wonder of God.

Take a moment to view the video. The image of me is a little fuzzy, the sound of the river drowns me out, and I don’t say anything very memorable; but the water! Oh, my! The water declares more eloquently than I ever could the story of the wonder of creation.

Peace – and wonder – DEREK


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