Decorating from the heart: Advent Day 4

“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and the glory of your people Israel.” – Luke 2:29-32

Rebekah and Scout Labradoodle

Yes, we have a beautiful home; yes, our Advent decorations fill the space with just the right balance of festivity, whimsy, and spiritual meaning; and, yes, the essential message of the season runs through everything that we do… But…

But – other than hauling stuff down from the attic, and trying my best to follow directions – it’s not me! I’m not responsible at all. Decorating is not my gift, not even a little bit of it. That’s why today’s photograph, this post’s “essential element” of Advent at Maul-Hall, is my amazing wife, Rebekah.

LIGHT & REVELATION: Rebekah has this panache – this sense of style, and staging, and design – that is remarkable. She can look at a space, think about what we have on hand, and put together something that is both functional and beautiful. She should have her own faith-themed HGTV design show! It could be called, Reverend Renovations: where style and renewal transform lives and homes!

Derek 7 Scout - less stylish!
my rendition – less stylish!

But, seriously, Rebekah’s imprint is recognizable in every detail of our home. If it was me decorating for the holidays, then it would look like a bunch of stuff from the store has been placed, randomly, around the living room. Sure, I might do a decent job with the tree, and my nativity arrangement may look okay; just a few things in isolation. But what Rebekah achieves is a way of integrating all the elements to create something that is at the same time beautiful and meaningful.

And that is my devotional tie-in today. Our experience of Advent, and then Christmas, is often put together in much the same way as my decorating; piecemeal. A show here, a carol-sing there; a worship service or a candle-lighting; a service project for the less fortunate, maybe; decorating the tree; last-minute shopping…

However, rather than a topical application of Christmas, haphazard, why not consider the systemic approach? Invite Jesus to inhabit, illuminate, animate, every aspect of your life between this moment and December 25.

However, rather than a topical application of Christmas, haphazard, why not consider the systemic approach? Invite Jesus to inhabit, illuminate, animate, every aspect of your life between this moment and December 25.

IMG_6274Then, rather than something thrown together, random and disconnected, Advent will be a transformational spiritual journey. Fact is, faith is the consistent element that makes all the difference in our home; it is integrated into every facet of the design, and every moment of the experience.

Christmas Peace, Hope, Love, and Joy – DEREK

gallery: the first 4-days of Advent


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