as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord (worship seems the only reasonable response…)

Spring breaking out around Wake Forest Presbyterian Church

“So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols… Serve the Lord alone. But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served…? Or will it be the gods of the land where you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:14-15

sunlight and fresh green
sunlight and fresh green

LOVELY: Saturday around Wake Forest was, in a word, spectacular. Spring in every possible way that springtime can be lovely. Beyond beautiful.

Rebekah and I sat on the deck together, drinking tea, and we simply breathed in the realization that we are so incredibly blessed.

In fact, if you experienced any of the Saturday we saw in Tyler Run, then heading into church tomorrow morning for worship could be the only reasonable response.

  • Soccer game on the calendar? Sorry, but we feel this overwhelming urge to attend church, and to say “thank-you” to God.
  • Golf outing scheduled? Maybe later; but right now there’s nothing my soul can imagine but heartfelt worship.
  • Long, lazy brunch? Great idea; but let’s put that off till after we show up at the 9:00 Praise Service and spend some time with God.
  • Head for the beach or the mountains? Good call, but how about we all head over to WFPC first and get our worship on…?

That’s just how I’m seeing things this pure and beauty-saturated Sunday morning; it’s the only way I can imagine responding to this amazing gift.

IMG_9119HERBS: One exceptional treat I enjoyed this Saturday afternoon involved watching Rebekah and her green thumb as she got her hands dirty getting my “kitchen herb-garden” rolling for the new season.

The Italian Parsley is coming back from the winter, and so is the Silver Thyme; I’m not sure about the Oregano, but we’re giving it some time. Rebekah did, however, put in some new sweet basil, some purple basil, a little Rosemary, and some Mint.

Cooking with fresh herbs, grown where I can step out from the kitchen and cut them from our own deck, is beyond good.

PRAISE: The Bible talks about the entire sum of creation taking the initiative to praise God. This week I have heard creation loud and clear.

As human beings, blessed in so many ways, heading over to our local church this morning for an hour or so is the least we can do…

Grateful – DEREK

Gallery of Saturday shots:





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