this morning… be still, and know…

finding sanctuary

“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”Psalm 46:10

It is – has been – a busy, busy, few days. Weddings, grand openings, church events, Meet in the Street. This afternoon I’ll be helping serve at the “Ladies Tea,” then we’re hosting a dinner party this evening.

That’s why this morning has to involve sanctuary; it must. Deliberate, unhurried, joyful, peace-filled, God-saturated worship with my church family.

I don’t think “too busy to go to church” plays well; in fact I know that it doesn’t. Skipping the thing that grounds us the most because we’re too tied up in life is hugely counterproductive. Worship helps to keep us connected with the eternal, and then we bring that peace to the craziness of the everyday.

Worship helps to keep us connected with the eternal, and then we bring that peace to the craziness of the everyday.

So, this busy, noisy, over involved weekend, I’m looking forward to a dose of “Be still and know that I am God.” Cease striving… Let go of your concerns… Be in awe… Stand silent…

“That’s enough!” the CEB translates. “Now know that I am God.”

Take five; or, better yet, take the entire morning. Sabbath rest. Rest in me, God is telling us, and simply understand that I Am.

“Rest in me,” God is telling us, “and simply understand that I Am.” (Derek’s paraphrase)

Peace – and I mean that in every way – Derek.

11:15 crowd


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