a new Lord’s Prayer for today

“Pray then in this way:

“Our Father in heaven,
    hallowed be your name.
     Your kingdom come.
    Your will be done,
        on earth as it is in heaven.
     Give us this day our daily bread.
   And forgive us our debts,
        as we also have forgiven our debtors.
   And do not bring us to the time of trial,
        but rescue us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:9-13

click for You-Tube version of song

Just a “heads-up” for regular readers: Over the next two weeks my posting may not be as consistent as usual. But if I do miss a day – or two – it only means there will be something extra interesting to read when I finally do sit down at the computer.

GOOD FATHER: For this morning, I’d like to share the cool experience I had at church yesterday. We have a lot of people traveling during the summer months, so our music director gives our excellent “chancel choir” a hiatus, and lines up alternative anthem offerings. This week it was yours truly.

As some of you know, I have a new guitar (how very much the Father loves us). Well, I haven’t been much of a songwriter for several years, but a new guitar always deserves its own song, so I wrote “Good Father (who makes your home in heaven);” it’s my take on The Lord’s Prayer, and I shared the song in church Sunday morning.

My friend Tim played along with me, and for today’s post I’d simply like to share the song. Here are the words, then I’ll try to post a recording (if I can figure out how).

  1. Good Father, who makes your home in heaven, blessed be your name. Your Kingdom, may it be established; your will on earth be done. And I pray that you will, feed the hungry through us – help us share our daily bread… And forgive the way we, practice sin against you – may we bring your grace to all…
  2. Please lead us, away from sins that tempt us; keep us safe from evil’s harm. For you and, no one else can lead us; Lord we need your mighty arm. And we pray that you will, work your power through us – help us bring your kingdom home. And equip us as we, teach the Way of Jesus – may we reach the world for love….
  3. We love you, we love the way you teach us; for ever, Amen… May your power, and may your glory rule us; for ever, Amen… for ever Amen… for ever, Amen. Amen

I don’t think anyone made a recording of this at church, so here’s a rough “me only” version (it’s better with Tim playing along); if you’re interested, it will at least give you an idea – Good Father (who makes your home in Heaven).

Derek Maul
Derek Maul

I’m always blown away by how creatively God works in and through me – when I simply pay attention, and when I give the Spirit the freedom to work in my life.

Peace, love, promise, and blessings – DEREK


  1. WOW! Very Nice! I love people who can play guitar (always wanted to, but never succeeded – same with piano – haha) When I leave soon for my mission trip I will be listening to people playing guitar and singing their songs. Your post and song made me think of it. Nice Job!

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