We have seen God’s glory – “meme of the week”


We Can Tip the Balance Back Towards the Light

Last weekend I introduced a new weekly feature, “Meme of the Week.” I’m combining some of my photography with samples of my writing, to provide you – my readers – with a more convenient way of sharing ideas that might, hopefully, challenge and encourage people you know, people who might need to hear a word from God’s heart.

Blog posts are typically longer, and more involved; but a photograph like this might just grab the attention of just the right person at just the right moment. And that is my prayer, that God continues to use me to whisper words of grace and promise to his children.

So please feel free to share – either this entire post or just the meme. Hover your mouse over the photograph, right click, and then either “copy” or “save image as…” You have my permission to use the meme in an email, on Facebook, in a tweet, via Instagram, or in your own blog.

DSC_0112Remember, it doesn’t take more than a few moments to encourage a friend, to share good news, or to pause and pray – We can change the world for the better by being good news people, and by intentionally tipping the balance back towards the light!

Peace and blessings – DEREK 

One comment

  1. Thank you so much for this! It was uplifting and is the exact kind of thing I like to see on Sunday’s as I am gearing up for another week.

    Bless you,

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