Feeling the years (but it’s all good!)

putt-putt with David

DAY FIVE: It’s always more fun if we keep the grandchild activities mixed up. So Friday we tried a few different ideas to keep the week fresh.

Most fun was taking David to play putt-putt. If you’re anything of a serious golf enthusiast then you won’t exactly appreciate his technique; but I did find the experience seriously entertaining! He got very excited when the ball went in the hole (which it did eventually every time), and just about jumped out of his shoes when a long effort successfully dropped.

Best of all he must have thanked me twenty times over the course of 36 holes.”It was so nice of you to take me here grandaddy,” he said.

IMG_3540Back home we set up a little managed computer time. Rebekah found some complex puzzles for David which he mastered fairly efficiently. Then there was reading, and sand art, and matching games, and the treasured bag of uncle Andrew’s old hot wheels.

We’re constantly reminded of the amazing energy that resides in and animates small children. It’s something that can be directed, redirected, channelled, encouraged, multiplied, put to work, and more – but it can’t be corked, not even a little bit. When we understand that, then everyone has a much better time.

Having fairly exhausted the grandchildren (and the grandparents), we decided to do baths then a “settle down” movie. So – bundled up in pajamas – they snuggled with Rebekah on the big sofa, and watched the Disney classic, “Up.”

IMG_3585So we laughed, cried a little (it was the first time I’d seen the movie and the opening few minutes took me by surprise), stopped halfway through for a popcorn intermission, then tucked them into bed for a well earned rest.

I’m not sure if it’s the fact that I hit a new decade back in March (or a more systemic decrepitness), but I have been super-exhausted all week long. Happily exhausted, but most definitely worn.

Good times. Great kids. Wonderful family. Love, love, love.



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