Sunsets along the estuary – exploring North Carolina week two

DSC_2000This week Rebekah and I are staying somewhere without Internet access; additionally, this location is pretty much a Verizon black hole, so texting seems to be my only reliable communication tool. Consequently, blog posts will be sparse, short, and launched into the interwebs via the occasional coffee shop with available Wi-Fi.

(A quick shout-out to Rachel’s Bakery for great cappuccino and a fairly decent Internet signal).

Vacation Week Two has us in another beautiful location; close up against a broadening river estuary, in a picture-perfect 1950’s era neighborhood, just a couple of minutes from an interesting, historic, walk-able, friendly downtown.

So this week we should be exploring a little more, checking out some history, sampling new local foods, and getting to know our beloved (but still feeling shiny and new to us) state of North Carolina a little more.

DSC_2008For today, I hope you enjoy these few images alongside the river, captured around the neighborhood just before sunset, Sunday evening. This is a beautiful world; and every time I take the time to look, to really look deeply into the miracle of creation, I am filled with a peace and a sense of wonder that always tend to lead me into more gratitude.

Stay tuned. I may be in a communication twilight zone, but when I break through I promise it’s going to really count!

Peace and blessings, always – DEREK


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