why I believe in the future…

IMG_4986So, everyone knows how much of a soft-hearted grandpa and father I am. So I guess you won’t be surprised at how awesome it was to sing with our daughter, Naomi, at church this morning in Richmond.

All parents have struggles at some point in the raising children process, and Rebekah and I were no exception. So spending Sunday morning in church together, listening to Naomi share a meaningful testimony about the music ministry, then singing “Just a closer walk” together, well, that’s just about as good as it gets for a tender-hearted, sentimental, Jesus loving, dad.

It’s so good to see the Craig and Naomi Campbell family making their home at the heart of the life of Southminster Presbyterian Church. David and Beks are the first to run to the front for the children’s moment, Craig is involved in several aspects of congregational life, and then Naomi stands in front of the worshiping community to say – without a shadow of reservation – how much she loves Jesus, and how much it means for the Campbells to be part of a church family.

IMG_4974A lot of people wonder about the future of the church, especially in the face of so much decline in so many denominations. Well it’s a simple equation. It’s about people who make the choice to follow Jesus and then fall in love with God; it’s about families making the conscious decision to  root themselves in the community of faith; it’s about years of faithful prayer, and commitment, and belief, and following through; it’s about being authentic disciples rather than just church members, and about making disciples to be disciples right along with you; it’s about – one day – listening to your own children stand up and tell the world how much they love Jesus… and watching them live the kind of vibrant, faithful, joy-filled life that becomes its own invitation to hear the Good News….

That’s all. Just another Sunday as a grateful pilgrim and thankful parent. – DEREK



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