shine… bloom… live


Summer may be over, and the fall colors may still be a few weeks away, but this is still a beautiful time of the year here in Wake Forest.

Somehow, despite the constrictions of time and my limitations as a gardener, stuff keeps growing, and the woods and plantings around our home own an indomitable loveliness. It’s an atmosphere that offers sanctuary, communicating a kind of invitational peace and tranquility.


the back deck…

In my Wednesday evening men’s group we talked about having the courage to live faith out loud, day to day, intentionally being the presence of Jesus in this broken world.

Sometimes, though, our task doesn’t involve making noise so much as simply blooming – much like the garden we share with my parents next door. Sometimes the imperative of the Gospel is to live good news lives, loving eloquently, blooming our hearts out.

The promise and the hope of our witness, is to live in a way that offers that same promise and hope. It may not sound like that big of a deal – but for those who need a little light it might be more than everything.

Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16 as you hold firmly to the word of life. – Philippians 2:16


my mum outside here house next door


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