Bermuda: an essay in photographs (the cruise – Part III)

This evening I’m sharing the third of four posts covering our recent cruise.

Bermuda is a small island, shaped like a fish-hook, just a tiny dot in the North Atlantic Ocean, located over 600 miles from the closest land. So, determined to see as much as possible, Rebekah and I opted for the day-long tour.

The Tour:


Our guide did an excellent job of sharing a mixture of history, geography, politics, and a snapshot of life around the island. We visited a lighthouse, explored a pristine beach, and had just a little time to explore both towns – St. George and Hamilton, all while traversing almost every mile of Bermuda in the minibus.

Bermuda really is a beautiful place. The lagoon that surrounds the island (see “Deep Calls to Deep“), the views from the higher elevations, the beaches, the picturesque community of St. George.

But this post is simply a vehicle for sharing some spectacular photographs. Begin by clicking on any picture below, then scroll through to enjoy the amazing scenery.

Thanks for stopping by – especially if this is your first visit to this page. I’ll finish up the cruise with a final post probably tomorrow evening.

After that I’ll continue my daily journal, around the topics of Life, Faith, Passion, and Gratitude.

I hope to see you there – DEREK



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