if you’re not authentic then sit down and be quiet!

Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect. – Romans 12:2

  • All of todays images were found on the Internet

1_vvftudtpchpll05sjc2zbqOne of the most frequent writing life questions I field is this: “Derek, how do you deal with Writer’s Block?” Well if you are reading this, then you already have part of your answer. I sat in front of my computer before breakfast this morning determined to get the ball rolling on a couple of projects and discovered that my reservoir of creativity and imagination had run completely dry.

So I am doing the only thing I know how… I am writing about it!

I typed the words “writer’s block” into Google and – in 0.39 seconds – 25,800,000 (yes, almost twenty-six million) citations came up. The definition from Wikipedia (#2 on the list) begins, “Writer’s block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown…”

Write What You Know:

7711444688_2f94ee43c7_cMy issue probably has a lot to do with the fact that I am – generally – categorized as an inspirational writer; not only that but I value authenticity. In other words, unless I am in someway moved myself then how on earth can I write content designed to move others?

It’s a lot like the conversation that frequently plays out when I am invited to keynote or to lead a retreat. Someone will ask, “How do I share my faith and invite others to know Jesus?” And I will always say something like, “Get to know Jesus better yourself and follow him with more enthusiasm. Then you’ll have something to talk about and you won’t have to make anything up.”

Because there is no point in telling someone they need to know Jesus if at least a little of his light isn’t shining out in a compelling way through your life. It’s a waste of time saying “give your heart to Jesus” if you only allow the Lord access to the outer edges of yours. And it’s no good inviting someone to church if your own level of commitment is lukewarm.

The best way to communicate the Good News is to live it, and the only witness that works is one that bubbles up out of your own authentic experience of grace and redemption.

Jesus doesn’t need another religious tract to add to the litter of judgment and hypocrisy, he just wants you to live a transformed life of gratitude and defined by love.

writers-block-image-499x400So there is absolutely no value in my posting any words about light, grace, invitation and promise unless I actually have something of substance to write about.

So I guess I’ll have to skip today’s entry. I clearly have nothing to say…

…. Other than this!




  1. Love this..especially the cow!! Ha Ha Thanks Derek. For what it is worth I think of writer’s block like a dam that is there in because the pressure of real life experience need time to build up behind it in order to have something worth while to release downstream. i.e. I have to live a bit between the lines!

  2. Your intimate disclosure. The world needs More Moo Moo. More More More. I learned early on the comedy in tragedy is a rule for humanity. Be a witness, declare, discern, join the cause, change your world, repeat. #BEU

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