asking for a little wisdom…

But anyone who needs wisdom should ask God, whose very nature is to give to everyone without a second thought, without keeping score. Wisdom will certainly be given to those who ask. – James 1:5

it’s cold in my kitchen this morning!

So I’m not much of a one for coincidences. Nowadays when a “coincidence” happens I’m more likely to see God or the hand of providence. Or, as popular culture likes to say,  “a message from the Universe.”

And yes I understand that what is shifting is my perspective; and yes I understand that not everyone will see things quite the same way; and no, I’m not trying to strong-arm anyone into belief. I’m simply saying that my ability to see God at work is expanding along with my faith journey, and I can’t help but share any insights I may gain with my fellow-travelers.

Today’s “God-incidence”

book-of-james1-670x350Today’s “God-incidence” I’m referencing is the scripture from James 1:5. This evening my Wednesday Bible study is scheduled to talk about the beginning of James so the appearance of this passage as today’s “verse of the day” at Bible Gateway most certainly got my attention.

Plus of course the fact that if there was ever a time when people need to be asking God for wisdom then this is it. “Dear Washington… dear White House… dear Congress… dear Administration… how about taking the opportunity to ask God for some wisdom right about now?”

How about asking wisdom of the same God who said that everything in the scriptures, all the law and the prophets, every divine initiative needs to be understood in the context of this truth: “Jesus responded, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself‘” (Matthew 22:24-40).

I can’t write without wisdom:

As a writer I am always asking God for wisdom. I could write purely for entertainment – and I certainly hope that people enjoy my writing – but my primary purpose is to communicate hope, and encouragement, and maybe a little inspiration when it comes to living as followers of The Living Way of Jesus.

I would honestly rather touch a handful of lives with the truth than generate a thousand “likes” or “shares” because I am entertaining or funny.

So hear this wisdom, and understand that what I’m saying is more sharable than the best joke, or meme, or funny story you will run into today:

  • God – whose very nature is love – is not only willing to give us wisdom but is willing to walk with us every step of the way, and to live this message of life and hope and promise through us, because we are his beloved children.

In love, and because of love – DEREK



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