“Flat Jesus” goes to Europe

passport out and ready to go

“You will be my witnesses. You will tell people everywhere about me—in Jerusalem, in the rest of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world.” Acts 1:8

One of the many great ideas to come out of our children’s ministry here at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church has been the summer “Flat Jesus” initiative. Children at church have been encouraged to color a small cut-out of Jesus and then take him with them when they travel.

“Flat Jesus sightings” have been recorded, photographed, and shared all over the community, the state, and the world.

It made perfect sense, then, for Jesus to be with Rebekah and me when we traveled to Germany this summer. Jesus was there for the flight, for the sightseeing, for the trains, the trams, and the buses, the food, the cappuccio, and – most importantly – for the family.

It is not just a cute idea for us to “take Jesus with us” but a deeply important commitment. There is nothing we have ever done, not of any importance, that is not enriched and made more alive because of our consciousness of the presence of Jesus.

Here are a few samples of the “Flat Jesus” images Rebekah and I captured.

  1. Preparing for the flight to Prague
  2. Happily flying “tourist” with the commoners
  3. Checking in with Martin Luther
  4. Turning water into beer (it is Germany, after all)
  5. Enjoying the perfect cappuccino
  6. Standing on Bach’s organ
  7. Admiring some Meissen porcelain
  8. Visiting with Jan Hus, reformation martyr in Bohemia

Yes, the Flat Jesus initiative is whimsical and fun – but it is also a critically important commentary on our faith. Simply put, we need to take Jesus with us and introduce him – his love, his light, his generosity, his compassion, his grace, his hope, and his wide-open invitation – to every person and every situation possible.

Today is Sunday. Let’s gather for worship, renew our commitment to live an intentional discipleship, and carry Jesus with us – not just flat but three dimensional – into every corner of this broken world.



One comment

  1. I read the title of your blog and thought “what they hey-hey is a flat Jesus???” Lol. Very cute idea. I think I’ll share it with the Children’s Pastor at my church. Great idea to teach kids about talking the Lord with them everywhere!

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