The week in pictures – June 7-13

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy place where the Most High dwells.
 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” – Psalm 46

Golf with my friends Ray and Jane

This week launched with a road trip, with Rebekah and I participating in virtual worship and sharing communion with our WFPC family while driving the Natchez Trace Parkway last Sunday morning; then it concluded Saturday with a round of golf at the beautiful Henderson CC. Along the way life continued on its course, against the unsettling backdrop of a pandemic and racial tension.

Saturday morning the weekend men’s group talked about Psalm 46, one of my favorites, and I was struck by the deep truth held in the assurance that God is prepared to meet me in the middle of whatever craziness surrounds us, if only we take the time to center ourselves – “cease striving”, according to one translation – and simply receive The Presence.

IMG_0386This is essentially what happened with the few hours I spent playing golf with my friends Jane and Ray. We relaxed into what amounted to one more late spring day of perfect weather, breathed in the fresh air, and gratefully received the gift of knowing – on a deep level – that God is God and we are recipients of grace.

So here are a few photos from the week. From golf to car repairs to flowers to the Miami family to my parents taking a walk. It’s all good.

And don’t forget to sign in to church at 10:00 this morning. Virtual worship is rich, authentic, engaging, and real. It’s also a great opportunity to check things out at WFPC and still stay in your pajamas!

Be still – cease striving – and know that God is God.




  1. Derek,
    What a great group of pictures!
    We picked the best day for some time ahead, as the rain will be with us perhaps through the weekend.
    We are so happy for you that your grandkids are having a great time. Moving, the virus, not having you folks around and being kids can be a difficult time, so having them really look (I don’t think they can pretend) like they are enjoying life is wonderful.
    Despite the infirmities of getting older, your folks (while they could be pretending) look pretty good for 9 decades.
    I was a very good day playing golf with you, as opposed to playing well which was not as good, especially when we were surrounded by God’s miracles growing every where.
    Ray and Jane

    • Thanks, Ray. The morning at Henderson was such a serendipity. I always enjoy being out with the two of you.
      I try to pay attention to the miracles of every day. Hopefully the pictures help others too.
      Peace and blessings – derek

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