“Photo-Friday” – some serenity from our neck of the woods

“We have a strong city;
God will appoint salvation for walls and bulwarks.
 Open the gates,
That the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in.
 You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
 Trust in the Lord forever,
For in Yah, the Lordis everlasting strength. – Isaiah 26

It has been a slow week around this blog – not so very many views. I’m not sure why, because I have been dealing with some interesting and – I believe – compelling topics. Here’s a quick review if you want to go back and catch up:

So now today. I am glad you are here!

It’s time for Photo Friday!

IMG_0756It’s Friday, which means (when I remember) sharing a few photos that didn’t make it in during the rest of the week.

I’ll begin with this one of the new phone. My old model was not performing well and then I dropped it. It’s hard to read when the screen is covered with three or four hundred tiny cracks! That and my finger tips were getting small cuts every time I tried to swipe.

This is the iPhone SE(2020). It’s the smaller size I’m used to. But thin, so thin and slippery I may well drop this one before the protective case arrives. Of course it decided to act up right in the middle of the data transfer, and I was on “chat” with Verizon for a couple of hours before giving up without any issues resolved. Sometimes I wonder if tech support know anything more than I do? Then I answered that question by trouble-shooting it myself in the morning!

Our neck of the woods:

The next two images feature how beautiful our cul-de-sac is in the summer. Yes I know growth is rampant and we need to do more gardening, but it’s shady and the trees are beautiful and I am grateful to be living in this lovely neck of the woods.

I am overdue for a long walk around the town with my Nikon SLR. Every time we drive anywhere I find myself wanting to stop and grab a photograph; maybe next week will be 40-photo-Friday?

The world we live in just isn’t doing a great job of presenting life in its best light right now. So I am grateful for the contribution of nature in terms of serenity, perspective, and the balm of unspoiled beauty. The key word here is “unspoiled.” Too many people are working overtime right now to spoil everything, and I’d like to say “thank you” to the natural world for fighting back.

The final three pictures are from around the Tyler Run neighborhood, literally taken as I was driving by.

So here is my word for today, just a few words from Isaiah 26: “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You…”

That’s a promise, folks. But it requires some effort on our part, it requires more than a little focus.



One comment

  1. I agree with you. There is nothing like living among the trees. It feels comforting and cozy as if God is holding me in his hands.
    Stay safe; be well. Blessings.

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