A Walking Tour of the WFPC Campus

How lovely is your dwelling place,
    Lord Almighty!
 My soul yearns, even faints,
    for the courts of the Lord.

Psalm 84

This post is my gift to the members and friends of Wake Forest Presbyterian Church.

It occurred to me the other day that very few people have been able to enjoy our beautiful campus since the suspension of in-person worship, study, and fellowship activities so many months ago.

We are one of those church sites where space is always at a premium. Busy on a daily basis. Something. Happening. Every. Day. People. People. More people.

Today the church is still very much active. Online worship is engaging and authentic. All kinds of Zoom classes are meeting. The pastoral and professional staff are working hard to facilitate ministry on every level. This is a time defined by creativity, inventiveness, and faithful witness.

Meanwhile, the campus at 12605 Capital Boulevard is looking better than ever in its summer finery. The community garden, the flower beds, the trees, the grass, the borders.

So Friday I decided to go all over the campus with my camera, and offer a walking tour for everyone who has been missing the church – and for everyone who enjoys some beautiful shots of summer in Wake Forest.

The tour starts in the parking area, over by the community garden, moves through to the memorial garden, heads down to the CLC, works through the lower parking area, and back across the entry.

Enjoy. Linger. Don’t rush through. Savor it all.

Kudos, by the way, to the teams who work so hard to keep this space beautiful. It is all done – lovingly and effectively – to the glory of God.

But don’t limit yourself to looking at photographs. Come on by and pause for some prayerful, meditative moments. Then, so inspired, immerse yourself in some of the amazing work that goes on here.

In love, and because of love – DEREK


  1. Hi, I wanted to share a true story with you based on “How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place.” My husband and I visited Salisbury Cathedral on a Thursday afternoon while touring Great Britain.  There was an atmosphere of excitement and young boys in green choir robes hustling about. We were invited to witness an ordination of a Vicar, I believe. We sat up in the choir, close to everything.

         There was a musical anthem by the men’s and boy’s choir and they sang “How Lovely.” Having sung this piece by Mendelsohn, I was brought to tears running down my face. The voices of the boys was exquisite.  I will never forget our visit to Salisbury Cathedral.

  2. Thanks Derek, for the lovely, colorful pictures of our church campus. Roger and I visited the gardens a few weeks ago, on a lovely, sunny day, we sat in our van eating our lunch, near the rought iron bench we donated to the gardens, by the CLC entrance. Everything looks lovely, and we are grateful the bench is put to good use. Maybe one day pictures can be taken there. Our appreciation to everyone who worked so hard to make such a beautiful garden, where one can sit and be still….
    Blessings to all,
    Diana and Roger Craig

      • idk we are still waiting to hear word. Right now we are just trusting the Lord and trying to find ways to be productive while we are here. We are praying he will get a phone call or email response to a few other jobs he has put his resume in. Seems like God is trying to teach us patience during this time.

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