The Invitation Home:

Sunday morning, August 23rd, provided one more compelling example of how the scriptures – God’s good word through the Old and the New Testaments – work as such a consistent witness to God’s nature as a being of unimaginable light and love.

Rebekah and I, “independent” of each other, picked Luke 15 (for her message during worship “A man With Two Sons“) and Psalm 86 (for my Adult Discipleship class). The essential content of these passages led us both in the same direction.

So here is the word for the day:

  • I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever. For great is your steadfast love toward me” (Psalm 86).
  • But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him“(Luke 15).”

Sunday morning was all about this solid, irrepressible, undeniable affirmation of God’s faithful and invitational love.

In other words, if there is one thing we can say with certainty about our faith, it is that we are always welcome to come home.

I’ll leave that there for this morning (tons to attend to today) and ask that you write this truth on your heart, irrespective of your status as believer or non-believer, deeply committed or on the periphery, Christian or some other faith, church attender or (currently) skeptical when it comes to having any affiliation…

This truth, one-hundred percent reliable:

Jesus is God’s invitation, and you are welcome home – we all are. Rest in this healing love.”


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