People, food, perspective – #5PhotoFriday

– men’s small group meeting at WFPC Wednesday

1. Community is as beautiful thing!

Five Photo Friday has to begin with the joy of meeting “live and in-person” with the Wednesday men’s group this week. And what a beautiful evening! Traffic noise intruded a little, but it was more than worth it to be actually together, occupying the same space!

Once again, I am aware of the uniqueness of this moment in history. My parents reminded me that in London, during The Blitz, people would crowd into recently bombed-out churches, gathering for worship even in the rubble because being together is the strongest defense we have against… well… absolutely anything!

What neither armies nor deadly bombing raids could achieve has been accomplished by an insidious, persistent, microscopic virus. Yet we are strong, yet we are persistent, yet we are still alive as The Church in creative, imaginative, increasingly powerful ways.

2&3. Always with the food!

It’s been a good food week here at Maul Hall, and I have to tell you about probably the best rice dish I have ever made.

Melt some butter in a saucepan. Sauté sweet onions then add rice, golden raisins, diced celery, salt, pepper, and chicken broth. Don’t make the mistake of just cooking rice the standard 15-20 minutes. Use a little extra liquid and cook a good 30. Then stir in some roughly chopped cashews and let it sit, covered, for at least another ten minutes before serving.

Believe me, this is the absolute best rice ever.

4&5.Perspective shifts:

We have already discussed the new dog – Max – and his complete love of immersing himself in people.

Well a couple of days ago, taking dad out for a walk, Max – obviously prepositionally challenged – decided “next to” is not as good as “in the middle of.” So he inserts himself. I turned my camera down and there he was.

The other perspective shift comes from behind Maul-Hall. I seldom walk down the quiet cul-de-sac behind our property, and then I do a double-take when I see our house from such a different point of view.

This of course reminds me how we all view the world through a unique lens, and we cannot begin to comprehend or to respect others properly until we can at least understand their perspective, their lens, their vantage point.

We’re not talking about travel today, but I am reminded of how exposure to the rest of the word tends to open up our eyes, and our minds, and our hearts, and our ability to live at peace with those who are “not like us.”

Enjoy the pictures, and – please – may we all learn to expand our world view. – DEREK


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