“Come,” Jesus said, “and you will see…”

Worship Sunday January 3

“Come,” Jesus replied, “and you will see.”

So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him. It was about four in the afternoon. – John 1:39

I have two threads of thought this morning. Rather than force them both into this column, I’ll add another post later today.

First, I would be remiss not to encourage each one of us get 2021 going by making the choice to be an active, engaged participant in a church community. Why?

  1. Because we were created specifically for the purpose of community; community with God and also with one another. This is best achieved in church.
  2. Then, the pattern for living that was modeled and taught by Jesus is best learned, understood, and experienced in the context of church.
  3. Also – and this is critically important – church is where we are invited into a deeper relationship with God, where we encourage each other, where we work together to accomplish more than we could individually, where we are taught and nurtured and inspired, and where we find ourselves “at home” in ways unique to the Body of Christ.

That said, I want to invite you to participate in virtual worship with WFPC Sunday mornings at 10:00. You can view/experience this weekend’s service here – Worship Sunday January 3 (the sermon begins around the 20-minute mark). I believe you will find Rebekah’s message for the beginning of 2021 particularly encouraging.

I really can’t do any better here than to highlight what Jesus said to Andrew, when he sensed the young man’s hunger for God and challenged him to take one more step: “Come and see.”

Jesus didn’t have to argue, coerce, shame, browbeat, or guilt-trip anyone into the Kingdom. He simply said, “Come and see.”

– author Derek Maul lives with his wife, Rebekah, in North Carolina

The Master started the exchange by challenging Andrew and his friend, asking, “What are you looking for?”

What we are looking for is community, and Jesus is both our invitation and our answer. Come and see. – DEREK


  1. Derek, I took your advice and listened to Rebekah deliver her sermon yesterday. She has such a down-to-earth style of speaking. It communicates with honesty, truthfulness and her passion for our Lord Jesus. I remember her last sermon when she was moderator of Tampa Bay. Another characteristic of her preaching is humor. We all need more of that. Last description and one she demonstrates consistently is her passion for making her points.
    Happy New Year to the both of you.

    • Rebekah sends her love… and appreciation. You are always such a wonderful encourager. Happy New Year. Praying you are enjoying South Carolina.

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