“Why children are always beautiful” – and other images for Photo Friday

– Derek Maul

I am extra glad it’s Photo Friday today, as my “writing engine” seems determined not to turn over and get going. It’s another gorgeous day, however, with sunshine and 60-degrees at breakfast framing the invitation to drink coffee on the deck and listen to the birds for the balance of the morning.


My first pictures are this set from Miami earlier in the week. Rebekah and I were talking about the best definition of “beauty” and I think it is summed up in the children. Essentially, beauty is a quality of spirit that communicates life and confidence and love and passion – a quality that appears as a bright light and an unquenchable fire.

This is why we tend to perceive all children as beautiful, and we don’t even think about something as shallow as physical appearance. Some keep this spirit – this ebullience – into adulthood and it is a profound gift to the world.

As I said, all young children seem to have this kind of beauty; our granddaughter Beks has it in spades!

(and if I could share photos of our other grandson, Mr. T., in Germany I would. He was an absolute picture of joy sitting on his new bike this week!)


At WFPC were are continuing to increase the opportunity for “in-person” events. Wednesday this week was the imaginatively titled “Scottish Festival.”

Yes, there was “tossing the caber,” warrior face painting, and other “Highland Games” activities for the children, but more importantly this was another opportunity to be together as a family.

Of course we do have the one Scottish jewel that sets us apart as especially remarkable, and that is the inimitable bagpipe stylings of our very own (nationally acclaimed) piper, Duncan Fraser, who marched up and down the only strip of shade available in the late afternoon sun.

The Garden:

Just the one image. But there will be more to come soon.

The hydrangea bushes are on the verge of exploding with colorful blooms. The work, however, continues, and I believe that will be the focus of the balance of this lovely Friday.

Peace, blessings, promise, and grace – DEREK

One comment

  1. I think you should have added your parents’ photo. They have experienced a lifetime of experiences/ joy & sorrow. Their enthusiasm may be muted compared to the children but they keep gong! God bless you, your parents and whole family and church.

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