The architecture of my life (be a Japanese Maple)

– outside the dining room window

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 

Ecclesiastes 3:11-12

This week – just in case we thought we were done with the raking – our trees have been shaking off their leaves in record numbers; literally millions upon millions of red, yellow, green, brown, orange and every other hue of fall.

My favorite trees, today at least, have been our collection of Japanese Maple. Rebekah and I love these trees, their shape and the texture of their leaves, and have eight beautiful specimens – each one unique – spaced around the garden.

In a deep lot overrun by tall pines, these small but distinctive trees offer definition and architectural nuance. They are “statement pieces,” making an impact while simultaneously complimenting the backdrop of woods.

– North Carolina writer Derek Maul

Sometimes I feel maybe our calling – retired but still living faithfully as people of the light – has shifted from implementing widespread change to simply being statement pieces for Jesus.

It’s an idea certainly worth thinking about.

My faith, my relationship with God, the way I love, the architecture of my life, bringing joy and beauty and adding peace. Telling the truth about the good news simply by being.

Happy Thanksgiving.



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