Portraits of Christmas (16 images that tell the story)

– My parents with Christmas gifts

There is a lot I want to write about today. But most of it will have to wait. The problem with inspiration is that it is seldom convenient. The words come, then there is no time, and lo the moment is gone!

Today, then, I have a series of “Christmas Portraits” to share. I was fortunate to capture some good moments in real time. Then, of course, our daughter Naomi always does well with her documentary photography in Miami.

This shot, especially, featuring the moment the children discovered they had their first ever phones for Christmas.

The results are here. Some portraits of Christmas.

  1. Derek and Rebekah trying out the new porch bench (our gift to each other)
  2. Max, Rebekah, and the bench
  3. David and Grace Maul with some presents from Hannah
  4. David, Grace, and Rebekah, getting ready for gifts
  5. Rebekah’s new luggage for the Bahrain adventure
  6. Derek with golf balls (guaranteed to go in the hole!)
  7. Dad with his new cardigan
  8. Rebekah with a travel book
  9. Rebekah modeling the new Hawaiian shirt (guaranteed to play better ukulele)
  10. David and Beks with Geoffrey
  11. The Campbell family ready for church
  12. David and Beks upon discovering they have PHONES for Christmas
  13. Geoffrey trying out his new keyboard
  14. Derek and Max Christmas morning
  15. Church for Christmas Eve
  16. David and Beks passing the light of Christ, Christmas Eve

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