Click here to make your world a little brighter (Photo-Friday)

For the beauty of the earth
For the beauty of the skies
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies
Over and around us lies

Lord of all, to thee we raise
This our joyful hymn of praise

John Rutter
– David and Grace

Today I’m happy to share a few images of actual people! Those of you who read every day will have noticed a lot of garden photos recently (and there will be more); but this week has been hugely heavy on the gardening and there has been so much to document.

In fact, I’m already working on another post from the ongoing garden reclamation initiative. So stay tuned for that.

Meanwhile down in Orlando our school-aged grandchildren continue their photogenic streak. Beks (9) is looking for all the world like she should be a movie star, and I see the coming teenager in David (10) more and more each day. And they are such kind, delightful children; what a joy to watch them grow up.

Taking photographs of my parents is a challenge because, well, aging is not always easy. But there is a well-crafted beauty about people in their 90’s that I believe it is important to document. So I try to catch them naturally sometimes, and then share what it is that I see, and how I see.

I believe that eyes of love effect even photography, and I submit these images of my parents with respect and pride.

– Derek Maul

The garden, as I have written several times over the past few days, is a work in progress. That’s always the case, I know, but this week has involved a tremendous amount of work and – I hope – some noticeable progress too.

Every set of Photo Friday pictures is unique. I pray that you enjoy them and that – as always – viewing these images inspires every one of us to look at the world we live in and the people we meet with more appreciation, and wonder, and affirmation, and love. – DEREK


  1. Thank you for sharing photos of your parents. My parents are gone so I live a little vicariously through Derek. Your parents have aged gracefully. Their gestures & facial expressions still project love & joy from their hearts. I am grateful that you share part of their lives with us. God bless you all.

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