A short but important devotional thought

(Jesus said) “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and people say, ‘Look at him! He eats too much and drinks too much wine. He’s a friend of tax collectors and other sinners.’ But wisdom is shown to be right by what it does.”

Matthew 11:19
– writer Derek Maul, downtown Wake Forest

Happy Saturday, friends. Here in Wake Forest it is a sunny 41-degrees; cool, fresh, and loaded with invitation to be outside. Rebekah is sitting in a sunny spot, reading and sipping ginger/lemon tea; and Max, laying down in the same shaft of light, is casually shedding a constant cloud of dog-hair that floats into the air with every breath.

We just finished our after-breakfast devotions. Currently we’re reading a combination of meditations from classic ancient divines, along with prayers from Christian communities around the world. Today one prayer particularly resonated, so I thought I would share it with you in this post:

Lord, today you have made us known to friends we did not know, and you have given us seats in homes which are not our own. You have brought the distant near, and made a brother of a stranger. Forgive us, Lord… We did not introduce you.

Unknown, Polynesia

So much of the time we miss the simple – and powerful – truth that evangelism is, at its best, making the introduction between friends. Sharing God is about authenticity. If we know Jesus as our friend and guide then telling that story is as natural as a conversation about the weather, what’s going on at work, or a mutual friend.

This weekend I want us all to think about how elementary and natural it is to follow Jesus. Invite him to inspire and guide each day; talk with him along the way; listen to his teachings; be deliberate about engaging with Christian community; share your journey and tell your story.

“Forgive us, Lord… We did not introduce you.”


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