hungry people who encourage me…

Good people – all over!

 In this way lay up treasure for yourselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that you may take hold ofthe life that is truly life. – I Timothy 6:19

One of the great things about travel is the opportunity to meet new people and to enjoy deep conversation.

There’s meet and greet; there’s chit-chat; there are the perfunctory “How are you?'” exchanges, ” How was the traffic?” and updates on everyone’s recent experiences with weather…. and then there’s the shift into a soul-level, faith filled, hopes and dreams and fears and vision quality of sharing that turns a dinner party into a knitting of hearts in the bond of Christ-laden love.

SUMMER CAMP: some folk vaguely remember that kind of conversation from summer camp one year when they were a teenager; some long for such spiritual relationships and join a small-group Bible study; many people have forgotten what it means to talk about faith naturally and with such conviction; even more don’t even know that it’s possible; Rebekah and I call it, “Why waste a perfectly good opportunity to experience the presence of Jesus during a meal wi friends….”

I love to watch people respond to good questions about matters of faith. And I really enjoy what happens when they begin to bounce ideas off one-another and move – collectively – to a deeper level of conversation.

The fact is – and I’ve seen this time and again this summer – God’s good people are everywhere. There’s not any measurable difference between the three sets of new friends I’ve made over the past few weeks. Methodists, Disciples of Christ, Presbyterians. What we all have in common is this deep-seated hunger for a more complete experience of Jesus.

TIE-IN: I like to pour the content of this blog, each and every post, through the filter of the constant question, “What am I learning about this Life-Charged Life?” And what I’m learning this summer is how consistent the fundamental message has to be. And the message is this, “Let’s be intentional about inviting Jesus to be our conscious companion in every aspect of our lives.”

And when I write “be conscious,” I’m referring to us. This is a consciousness that involves thinking outside of the box, interrupting our routine, actively turning to Jesus in such a way that his life pours into our conversation, our driving, our working, our shopping, our recreation….

Jesus – and this is why “Jesus” is the first of the 10 Life-Charged Words that make up my new book – IS the life that is truly life. Jesus is the ingredient that brings passion, and excellence, and transformation.

And it’s not just personal transformation. We’re talking about transformation in homes, work environments, communities of faith; in short, everything!

So I am encouraged. I’m encouraged by the hunger for a deeper walk with God. And I feel privileged to play a part in the ongoing conversation.


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