music from the soul

ECU Chamber Singers
ECU Chamber Singers

Heading over to New Bern for Saturday’s New Hope Presbytery meeting, we visited with Rebekah’s brother, Roy, and his gracious wife, Lynda. The treat for Friday evening was a performance by the ECU Chamber Singers. We were, quite simply, blown away by the performance.

Thirty-six young people, singing their hearts out, translating their passion for music into a concert that enabled around 500 other people to be filled up with the same kind of joy.

In a way, the evening was a worship experience, because there wasn’t a soul in the auditorium who didn’t feel their soul filled with the divine spark of creative expression, and ministered to in some way by the music.

The fairly elementary inspiration that is carrying over in my soul today is the idea that genuine passion both communicates and invites without the need to argue or persuade.

To watch those young people sing, to witness them pour out their song from the deepest places they know, and to feel their exuberance and joy, is to enter into the experience with them.

And I thought about faith, and about the lackluster almost apologetic way so many of us communicate what it means to love Jesus and to follow in The Way, and it doesn’t surprise me that there’s often such little interest in what we represent.

IMG_0657That’s all I have time for Saturday’s post (I’ll write about Rebekah and the Presbytery meeting tomorrow). But for now, think about your passion for God… Think about your enthusiasm for the Good News…  What story are you communicating?

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