Why I blog (Mark 1:35-38)

This is how the blog looked on my phone this morning….

You may have noticed a few changes to the appearance of this blog over the past couple of days. I tend to try new templates as fresh designs become available – not so much for the sake of change but that I’m still waiting for something that strikes me as the best fit. Expect a few more tweaks moving forward.

One of my key concerns is “readability.” Ultimately, posting six to seven times a week is about sharing a simple message that reaches as many people as possible; the most exciting thing for me is to know that my words may have lodged in someone’s brain, trickled down into their hearts and souls, and contributed to their journey – your journey – as a person of faith.

“Hits,” “clicks,” and “shares” may be measurable statistics, but the bottom line evidence of “success” is not so easy to count. That data tells me my writing reaches well over 1,000 people every day. But, how much of the Good News is taking up residence? That’s a harder question to discern.

GOSPEL: The best that I can do is to encourage, and to direct readers to God’s Word. I read The Upper Room, then at breakfast Rebekah and I share a longer meditation; this year it’s a series of readings from the work of Henri Nouwen.

Today’s Bible passage was from Mark 1:35-38:

 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”

Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” 

It turns out to be the first scripture Rebekah preached from as a student at Columbia. Of course – and this is no surprise – it spoke powerfully to both of us today.

THAT IS WHY I HAVE COME: My sharing always begins in a solitary place; in prayer and in reflection. Then – just like the story in Mark – I feel this tug at my heart inviting me to “go to the nearby villages.”

This is why I write – that is why I have come. Because if God has gifted me in any way with the ability to communicate through the written word, then it is in order to tell and to retell the story of the Gospel of Love.

For Jesus, it was always “Everyone is looking for you!” For me, it’s a few clicks of the mouse. But if you do find me, it’s my prayer that you will simply be redirected to Jesus.


If you know anyone “in the nearby villages” who might benefit from a closer walk with Jesus, please direct them to this page. The Good News is pretty much the only story I ever tell.

Peace and blessings – DEREK 


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