Wake Forest Today column… plus my take on “Social Media”

Notes on the Journey

This week’s Wake Forest Today column tells the story of how Scout Labradoodle became my personal trainer.

Not only is it a great story, but it’s an invitation to more deliberate personal health… across the board. Primarily I’m talking about physical health, but spiritual health often works according to the same principles of commitment, intention, and practice. Click to read the article, Notes on the Journey. Here’s the intro:

“Greetings, friends! It’s another beautiful day in Wake Forest. It may be cool, but spring is beginning to blossom all around us.
“In my neighborhood the trees are busting out with anticipation; the birds are singing; people are walking, biking, and jogging; and even the most sedentary of my neighbors are venturing out onto the sidewalk. It’s almost impossible not to respond positively to the imperative of new life…” (read more…)

social-media-logos_15773FEELING THE LOVE: Knocking social medial has become a little trendy. But as for me, I don’t agree; lately I’ve been feeling the love.

Recently I’ve heard people say things like:

  • “Anyone who thinks they have 500 friends has reduced the idea to the least common denominator…”
  • “Every minute you spend on the computer is a minute you can’t spend in a real relationship…”
  • and, “I don’t Skype. I’d rather go out and actually see people….”

But I don’t see it that way. First off, I’m a writer. The computer is my workspace. The Internet is my office. The community I interact with while I’m at work isn’t virtual, it’s real. Plus, I have the amazing privilege of (fairly randomly) getting a glimpse of what literally hundreds of people I love and care about are up to. When their image pops up on my radar I think about them, sometimes I message them, and – quite often – I pray for them .

IMG_2445Then, yesterday was my birthday. I received personal messages from somewhere around 200 different people. It amounted to a literal torrent of goodwill and encouragement that lifted me up. That’s not virtual, it’s real.

Finally, our grandchildren live in Connecticut. I’m lucky if I get to be in the same state with them three or four times in a year. Yet, because of Skype, I’m 100% confident that when I get off the plane next week David and Beks will not only recognize me, but be entirely comfortable with the relationship. That’s not just real, it’s wonderful!

Relationships are a lot like the health equation I discuss in the Wake Forest Today article. The key is intention, and commitment. Getting in shape; growing spiritually; nurturing meaningful relationships: it all requires making the effort.

IMG_2453And as for you – the 1,500 or so people who I’m reaching today via this log post – all I can say is “I believe you are worth the effort, and this communication comes directly from my heart.”

In love, and because of love – DEREK 

(Please don’t forget to read my column at Wake Forest Today)

One comment

  1. I totally agree. Thanks for reminding us how our relationships can be deepened through the Internet, of all things! Hope you had a happy birthday – must have been so with your parents there and joining in a delicious taco dinner at WFPC,

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