The Park, The Bread, and The Haircut

IMG_3287Wow! Such a lot happening around Maul-Hall. But that’s what goes down when there are two small children in the house! Fun, noise, laughter, tears, adventure, passion – and all before breakfast!

If I was writing a short story on Day Two with the grands, then the chapters would be titled: The Park. The Bread. The Hair Cut.

THE PARK: We took great-grandma Grace on the trip the park. We are blessed to have a really nice one a couple of hundred yards down the street. David is still concerned that my mum may not make it up the (not steep) hill, so he made sure to hold her hand while offering words of encouragement. Too cute.

At the park the kids decided that the slide was their castle, David was the king, and Beks was the princess. I, apparently, was the bad guy not to be allowed anywhere near their tower. That was more than fine by me, because not only were they using their creative imaginations, they were also playing cooperatively together.

Good times.

IMG_3321THE BREAD: The kids love, love, love to make biscuits with Rebekah, so she made some time around lunch to get the process going. Flour everywhere. Big fun. Mayhem. Very well kneaded dough. But Beks and David do love to learn, and Rebekah does love to share the family stories that go with the generation after generation recipe.

They set the mixture aside to let it rise. Then they rolled it out. Sometime today there will be fresh, delicious, hot from the oven angel biscuits.

THE HAIR: Finally, The Hair Cut. You can see from yesterday’s post just how long and shaggy David’s hair has become.

IMG_3350Bottom line David hates getting his hair cut – hates it a lot! The buzzers scare him and to make matters worse last time he went to a salon the stylist promised not to use them, but then turned them on when he wasn’t looking – he felt hurt and betrayed.
So – reluctantly – he let grandmama Rebekah take off a few inches. Success! There was some ongoing negotiation, and then a few times when David was convinced he was being murdered. Afterwards David decided he looked very handsome.

So again, no profound words today. Just some photographs to make you smile. If I can accomplish that much, then the post is worthwhile.

Peace and blessings – always – DEREK

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