an invitation to be “game-changers” for hope and healing

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Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr

Greetings, readers. Today (and for only the second time in history) I’m featuring a guest blogger. My friend Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr. has some important words I want everyone to both read and pass on.

Jack is the keynote speaker at an upcoming men’s retreat I plan on attending. It’s an event where I’ll be one of the participants, not one of the teachers – and I’d love for as many of you as possible to join us for the two-day gathering at the end of September.

Jack serves as senior pastor of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), in Findlay, Ohio. He’s also adjunct professor at Lexington (KY) Theological Seminary, as well as a nationally known death penalty abolitionist, and a life member of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

Please read Jack’s words, share them, and consider responding. – DEREK

A FEW WORDS from Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr.

Good day, my friends! As keynote speaker for the upcoming inaugural EcuMentors Gathering of Christian men, I write to encourage you to register and be part of this pivotal ecumenical men’s event, September 29 to October 1, 2017 at the Christian Conference Center in beautiful Bethany Beach, Delaware. Our theme is, “Spiritual Health and Well-Being Through Mentoring.”

Now is the time for men of all churches to come together to share and learn ways to deepen our impact as men who embody Christ’s ministry of hope and healing, and love and justice.

At a time when many are celebrating hate and embracing violence, our dynamic and diverse group of men will pray, worship, study, and talk together in ways that will strengthen each man’s witness as a disciple of Jesus Christ who lives as a game changer for hope and healing, love and justice within his family, church, community and world.

Please plan to be part of this historic ecumenical event! In fact, I hope you will register and then share this post with at least 10 men in your families and networks. For registration and details email or dial 804.691.4157.

To borrow from poet Dylan Thomas, at this critical moment in the life of our nation, we Christian men will not “go gentle into the good night.” Instead, by God’s grace, we will be a strong, Holy Spirit-driven force for love and goodwill at home, at church, in the community, and beyond. Join EcuMentors as we meet at Bethany Beach, Delaware, September 29 to October 1, 2017.

thumb_IMG_0488_1024 (1)– Jack

The Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr., is senior pastor of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Findlay, Ohio, adjunct professor at Lexington (KY) Theological Seminary, a nationally known death penalty abolitionist, and life member of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.



  1. Thank you Derek for allowing Jack to use your blog as a tool to get our message out about the ecuMENTORS. I am proud to be apart of this group of men who want to share God’s message. I am looking forward to seeing you again. God Bless you, and I do follow your blog daily.

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