a place of gratitude and quiet rest…


God looked over everything he had made;
        it was so good, so very good!
    It was evening, it was morning—
    Day Six. – Genesis 1:31

This has been a beautiful weekend here in the Maul-Hall garden, and I managed to capture a few images that tell a little of the story.

1-IMG_4967-001Rebekah and I found the perfect spot for Scout’s ashes. We dug a good-sized hole and then searched around in the “natural area” behind the fenced in area until we uncovered a nicely proportioned rock to mark the location.

It’s a lovely, peaceful corner of the garden, featuring hydrangea, hastas, Japanese maples, the beginnings of color in the crepe myrtle, the dense backdrop of trees and vibrant leafage.

One of Scoutie’s favorite things to do over the past few months was to hang out on the deck, looking into the garden, watching Rebekah work, drinking in the air.

I really like the rock. I just about broke my back, and then the wheelbarrow, moving it. But it has the right feel.


I think we had a good moment of closure. Or maybe one more helpful step on the journey. Either way, we are grateful and blessed.

Here is our place of quiet rest. Then, one more image of Scout I found on my camera from Wednesday morning. We’re okay, really; it’s just going to take a while.

Peace, and still more peace. And, always, gratitude – Derek





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