anatomy of a virtual worship service

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy. – Proverbs 31:8-9

the message

Web Worship” at WFPC is a continual “work in progress.” We came out of the gate strong with our first service March 15, when we constructed a uniquely intimate, accessible, conversational setting via Rebekah’s library.

It was a positive beginning, but our creative team are looking to improve the experience every week – at the same time understanding we will likely only get close to 100% right the exact moment it’s time to return to the more familiar model of “Open doors, welcome 400 people.”

But isn’t this true with every challenge we face in our lives? Isn’t the invitation from Jesus always about doing our very best and about excellence? Doesn’t abundant life mean never settling for “good-enough”, “mediocre”, or “well, I guess this will have to do”? At least I hope every Christian feels this way, especially when it comes to how we offer worship.

Sanctuary Worship:

dialogue with the message

So this week we moved into the sanctuary. One reason was the quest for room to stay pretty-much six-feet apart, another motivation that of spreading our wings vis-à-vis imagination, and then the need to address the acoustic limitations in play because the tech team folk are still filming with an iPhone.

All that will change Palm Sunday, however, with a new camera plus a direct mic for anyone who is speaking. These services are loaded with so much that is good and powerful and encouraging, and we don’t want anyone to miss out.

really good music from John and Katherine

I came equipped with my good camera in order to attempt the task of documenting worship via a few still photographs. You can see that there are only five people who came together to make this happen (and all of them doing a great job of staying apart). Rebekah, John, and Katherine leading worship, then Jim and Anita handling the tech.

God Helps Those…

The message – simple and clear – focused on the saying (completely untrue, by the way) that “God helps those who help themselves!”

“God helps the vulnerable,” Rebekah said. “God helps the dispossessed, the weak, the widow, the child, the stranger, the outcast, the rejected, the helpless. Fact is, God helps those who cannot help themselves…”

It’s true. We serve a God who generously equips us with every good gift, and who encourages us to use them for the betterment of all humankind.

closing hymn

We don’t judge who is worthy of help, we just serve one another because “servant leader” was the nature of Jesus and it is our opportunity – our responsibility – to be the presence of Christ in this world.

Okay, enough with the preaching! If you want a sermon you can view/listen either on Wake Forest Presbyterian Church Facebook or at the church YouTube channel.

I’m just here to talk about production. Enjoy these photographs of Sunday morning web-worship here at WFPC. Peace, blessings, and “stay healthy” – Derek



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