Golden Retrievers and Cornish Game Hens

We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28
– Rebekah, Max, Derek

So here’s a fun post in the ongoing “Dog Blog” collection of stories.

Max, our huge 90+ pound Golden Retriever, was invited for an afternoon lunch and play date with our friends Keith and Resi. Max was especially excited because he typically has to watch us leave – forlornly from the dining room window – every time Rebekah and I go out.

Our friends, however, have a new golden puppy of their own, and they thought it would be good for Emmy (who is growing so fast her progress is pretty much a blur) to see what it looks like when a dog is calm, reserved, obedient, and well behaved.

Kind of like having a mentor who could show Emmy the ropes.


What Emmy really thought was: “Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Some ears to pull on! A tail to swat! A nose to bat! New people to sharpen my teeth on! A jungle gymn to climb on! A large but gentle friend to head-butt! A new toy to chase and harass and thoroughly annoy! This is so great!”

What Max thought was: “Somebody please make it stop…”

In all seriousness the play date went well. Max handled it all with grace and Emmy handed it out with all the exuberance you would expect. I would call the play date a resounding success.

For me and for Rebekah, it was just good to hang out with good friends who we love. And it doesn’t hurt that Resi is a gourmet cook.

Keith deep fried the Cornish Game Hen to perfection, Resi prepared an amazing vegetable medley, serving cheese-grits was a really great idea, and the presentation was paparazzi-worthy.

Part of the healing:

This was Sunday afternoon, between worship in the morning and Hudson’s “Christmas Joy Celebration” in the evening. However, and I say this with all conviction, the afternoon was sacred too.

Community, experienced in the context of people who all – as Paul writes – “Love the Lord and are called according to his purposes” – is absolutely a sacred experience. And, especially in the context of my particular commitments and challenges, community is integral to God’s ongoing work or healing and restoration.

Grace and Peace to you all this blessed Christmas week. Enjoy the Golden Retriever photos and give thanks for the people who bring healing to your life – DEREK

One comment

  1. Hi Derek, once at the veterinarian office with my new puppy, the dog jumped up on me (such as in photo of your friend) and the vet was very firm about not letting the dog do that. Say, “no.” This is very bad behavior (dangerous as dog could knock you/a child/an elderly person down) and should not become a habit. Please share this with your friend, Resi, Best regards, Deanne

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