A short walk and then a trip to the hospital #BrokenHip

– Wake Med North

In heaven, God, I have only you.
    And if I am with you, what on earth could I want?
Maybe my mind and body will become weak,
    but God is my source of strength.
    He is mine forever!

Psalm 73:25-26

RALEIGH, NC (August 18, 2023, 5 a.m.)

So here we are in the hospital again, only this time we moved beyond a visit to the Emergency Room, and mum has been admitted. Ah, what it takes to get yourself a room with a view!

The story – and there is always a story – started Thursday morning when a certain woman who shall remain anonymous (well, okay, it was Grace Maul) decided to slip out of her assisted living home while staff were helping some of the other residents. Then she attempted a solo walk in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately she didn’t get very far before managing to fall and hurt her left side (not using her walking cane didn’t help the situation very much).

Well, one fire truck response and an ambulance ride to the hospital later, followed by scans and tests and various X-rays, it was determined that my mum has managed to do a very creditable job of breaking her hip.

We had a series of consultations with the orthopedic folk, the cardiac team, the hospital specialist, and a slew of PAs and nurses. It turns out the fracture – just below the ball at the top of the femur – is serious, causing both immobility and significant pain. Later today (Friday) it is going to be repaired with a surgical replacement.

The big challenge, and another reason I spent the night here (Thursday) at Wake Med North, is to keep my mum from moving around and making matters worse. Because she forgets, every few minutes, what happened, where she is, and why she so uncomfortable.

So here I am, in possibly the largest hospital room I have ever seen in my life, trying to keep mum settled and resting for what turned out to be a very long night!

Not that we lack for help from the excellent hospital staff, along with access to a full range of pain management tools. She has had an epidural bloc, some Fentanyl, morphine, OxyContin, and Tylenol.

– follow at derekmaul.blog

I had imagined, flask of coffee in hand and laptop at the ready, that I might be able to use a few of these hours for some serious writing. But that, my friends, was very much wishful thinking.

The prayer focus, for those of you that do, is going to be that my mum will experience comfort, and peace, and rest, and healing. She is tired and worn; I think we all are.

Grateful for grace and mercy – DEREK


  1. Derek, My heart aches for you and your mum. I know you exactly what you are going through as I spent the final month of my mother’s life at her bedside everyday – first in the hospital and then in the hospice. May both of you feel the loving arms of God embracing you.

  2. Wake Med N took great care of my mom when she broke her hip. Your mom is in great hands. And those rooms are large.
    Prayers for Grace in progress.

  3. Derek,

    I was heart broken to read your blog this morning…for all of you. Grace holds a special place in the hearts of many. I will continue to pray for comfort and peace for her, you and Rebekah.

    Love and hugs,


    Susan L Crawford

  4. Derek,
    Prayers for your Mum, Rebekah and you as you journey through this most difficult time. I can only imagine the vast combination of feelings you have experienced for quite a while as you support and love your parents through their final stages of earthly life.
    Much love to you and Rebekah.

  5. There is an aspect of care for our aging parents that can surprise. We become the gentle caregivers to those who were our gentle caregivers. Fragility of the aged is different from fragility of infancy – both require deliberate awareness and humility. God’s loving arms are around you all.

  6. I’m so sorry to hear this! I will certainly keep you, your mum, Rebekah, and your whole family in my prayers!

  7. I’m saddened to hear about your Mother’s miss-adventure! My prayers are for her, you and Rebekah. She will receive great care, and many prayers are for her. Be strong, patient and take care of yourself as well. She is in our Lord’s hands and His heart.

  8. Oh no! I am sorry to hear about your mum’s injury. God bless her and protect her. That feisty spirit of independence and adventure got her ahead of her skis. May God give you the strength and patience to bear through.

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