“Life in Motion” #PhotoFriday

– early morning

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
     he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths…

Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Psalm 23:1-3,6
– Andrew and Alicia with Mr. T.

APRIL 5, TARBORO: If anybody ever looks back on this recent collection of posts at some date in the future, what they will find is an archive of “Life in Motion” here in Tarboro, North Carolina.

I’d love to see – if I had A) the technological knowhow and B) the patience – the effect if all the pictures since November 27 (Occupying the MaulHall Tarboro Annex) – were stitched together in sequence, then run like a movie at one frame per second.

Instead, Here are a dozen photographs that offer a hint of this lovely springtime week. From the Tar River – almost in flood, to the flood of color from the azaleas in our neighbor’s churchyard, to the wildflowers (weeds) behind our house, to Max and – finally – family portraits from Bahrain and Orlando.

We received a wonderful series of school portraits featuring Andrew, Alicia and Mr. T., but this image is all the worldwide web gets to see of our handsome grandson. The family are wrapping up their time in the small Persian Gulf kingdom off the coast of Saudi Arabia before returning to eastern Europe this summer.

The Orlando photo is of David, Beks and Geoffrey ready for their egg hunt on Easter Sunday. The flowers may be spectacular this spring, but our grandchildren take the idea of beauty to a whole other level!

Finally, Max, who has recovered nicely from the shoulder injury that sidelined him a couple of weeks ago. You can see him enjoying his first treat from the box of dental chews gifted by one of his admirers. He is one very happy dog.

Watch this space for a more reflective post either later today or tomorrow. There is a verse of scripture I can’t get out of my head this week and I am going to have to share some thoughts.

Meanwhile, enjoy this spectacular spring day. I know I am – DEREK

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