a prayer for this moment

Rebekah at her installation service
Rebekah at her installation service

It’s Tuesday today, but I still need to dedicate one more post to Rebekah’s installation service at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church.

I mentioned yesterday that the presence of God was palpable. The Spirit lay like a mantle on the sanctuary, and the light and life of the Gospel of Love was evident in and through those who participated.

All the preachers and elders spoke eloquently, and with the unique authority that God confers on those who speak words of truth and life. But of particular moment was the “Prayer of Installation,” offered by Rebekah’s pastoral colleague at WFPC, Moffett Churn.

Moffett not only choses beautiful words when she prays, but she also opens up as pure and direct a line of communication with God as I have ever been privileged to witness. She is, I believe, a prayer savant.

Moffett offers "Prayer of Installation"
Moffett offers “Prayer of Installation”

So I asked Moffett’s permission to share her “Prayer of Installation” with my readers. She graciously said, “Yes.”

Not only is this prayer powerful, but it reveals just how well Moffett knows Rebekah; it’s remarkably insightful after such a short time together.

If you already know Rebekah (my wife), you will be amazed; if you don’t already know Rebekah, then I’m sure that you will want to know both her and Moffett after you read this prayer (WFPC meets at 9:00 and 11:15, every Sunday…).

My personal prayer is that these words will bless you, and that we will all be inspired to live into the “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” quality of faith – DEREK

“Eternal God, by whose hand the song of life is directed and through whose purpose all the seasons of life must pass, we consummate this time of promise-making with our praise.

“Praise for your calling to ministry, which continues to glitter with newness, even when it pulses through the pages of a lifetime.

“We sing praise for every sign of your leading in Rebekah’s life. 

“For the prodding of your Spirit that rendered her restless until she made herself unguardedly yours. 

“For every person whose nurture and discipling brought her to the winsome and wild faith she holds today.

“For your custom tailoring that outfitted her with the finery she needs to nurture faith in others: 

  • her enthrallment with Scripture and her ability to trust that you’re still speaking;
  • her generosity of spirit and substance; 
  • her enrollment as a lifelong student in the school of prayer; 
  • her impatience with pretense and false propriety; 
  • her deep appreciation for the comic side of life; 
  • her eagerness to offer Jesus + Jesus + Jesus as the answer, regardless of the question.

“We give thanks for the opportunity you have set before this congregation, Gracious One, to take up new banners and march to new music, and we thank you for the timeless story, the ancient stage upon which the longest drama in history is still playing.

“God, without whose grace no promise can be kept, pour out your Spirit of holiness and wholeness upon Rebekah. Open her to wonder. Strengthen her for love. Humble her with gratitude.

“And as she kneels alongside of Jesus to continue the ministry of the basin and towel, may she always lose herself in gladness; may she will always find herself in you.  Amen”

(Rev. Moffett Churn, Nov 3, 2013)


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