interested in men’s ministry? then read this:

Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-26

IMG_0398Wednesday evening I came home from my men’s Bible-study both inspired and encouraged. Everything about our time together hit the right note for me, underscoring exactly why I believe so strongly that such gatherings are key elements of a healthy, vibrant faith community.

So, listen up, friends: If you’re not involved in some kind of men’s-ministry initiative, make the decision to get hooked up immediately! If your church doesn’t have anything meaningful in place, shoot me a message and I’ll offer you some encouragement and ideas (WFPC men’s groups are listed at the end of this post).

One of the best things about small group ministry is how God brings everything together to – always – create something inspirational and new. Here’s what came to the table this Wednesday evening, along with a dozen good men:

  • We had all read the selected scripture ahead of time;
  • I had prepared an outline mapping the direction of our discussion;
  • Some of the guys had taken time to study more deliberately;
  • Everyone experienced real life, every day, all week;
  • We had all been moving forward, in some way, in our relationships with God;
  • Everyone prayed for each other, and WFPC, during the week;
  • We came to the church bringing expectation, and intention, and belief, and honest doubt, and commitment, and open hearts;
    • We opened with prayer,
    • We read the scripture,
    • We dropped all of the above on to the table (life, prayer, study, doubt, belief, and more…),
    • I asked some good questions,
    • God stirred it all together..
  • BAM! God created community, wisdom, insight, encouragement, more questions, and promise.

That, of course, is only a glimpse. I’d like to tell you exactly what Phil said that opened up the discussion so beautifully; or share Kirby’s profound insight; or repeat Paul’s strong declaration of faith; or pass on Robert’s keen observation; or let you listen in to Ray’s helpful question, Eddie’s “Ah-ha,” Dave’s thoughtful response, David’s compassion, Bernie’s strong witness, Wayne’s reflection, and Kevin’s enthusiasm.

PRAYER: Because twelve is a lot, we broke into four groups of three to share joys and concerns, and to pray together. I’ve got to tell you, being in a room where several small groups of men are sitting together, knee-to-knee, lifting one-another up in prayer, feeling the “buzz” of the Spirit in the air – now that is a glimpse into heaven.


This is – as always – just my testimony, my honest and personal observations about this journey I’m on. But you can also take this as my invitation to join me.

Seriously, friends, what are you waiting for?

Peace, hope, and the promise of rich blessing – DEREK

(author Derek Maul both writes and speaks about men’s ministry. Check out his books and his speaking schedule at

Here at WFPC you can hook up with the following men’s groups:

  • My covenant group – Wednesday evenings at 6:30
  • Charlie Gadd’s Bible study, Friday mornings at 6:45
  • Ed Pulliam/Kevin Meese covenant group – Saturdays, 6:45 AM
  • Dan Gregory’s covenant group – Saturdays 7:00 AM


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