It’s the second week of creation!


Jesus said to them, “Do you have anything to eat?” – Luke 24:41

Since moving to North Carolina, we’ve had Easter sunrise ice, we’ve had Easter sunrise rain, and we’ve had Easter Sunrise “spring forward” time-change. This year we had clear skies and perfect temperatures. What a beautiful day.

IMG_8992Rebekah preached about another question Jesus asked, and this time it was, “Do you have anything to eat?” Sharing food together was a vital part of Christ’s public ministry, and he wanted to make sure that the deep intimacy of breaking bread together was not lost in the disciples’ new life together, moving forward.

(watch one of the services – Rebekah’s Message starts around the 20-minute mark)

It’s as if Jesus was saying, “Don’t just stare at me with your mouths hanging open like you’ve seen a ghost, invite me to sit down with you and become a vital part of your day-to-day lives!”

“Don’t just stare at me with your mouths hanging open like you’ve seen a ghost, invite me to sit down with you and become a vital part of your day-to-day lives!”

This is the heart of the Easter invitation – and especially for those of you who only come to church for these special occasions: Take Jesus home with you; invite him to breakfast, and lunch, and dinner. I know you don’t intend leaving Jesus on the cross – but let’s not leave him in the tomb either, or even in the church.

I know you don’t intend leaving Jesus on the cross – but let’s not leave him in the tomb either, or even in the church.

image from John Akerman

It’s the first day after Easter Sunday, it’s the beginning of the second week of creation. Jesus is waiting for us to enter into all the fullness and the promise!

So hold on, this should be quite the ride!

– Peace, and more peace – DEREK



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