make friends with faithfulness, stand with Jesus, embrace promise, know God

“Trust in the Lord, and do good;
    dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.” – Psalm 37:3

1-IMG_2253This is an important photograph, not because it’s a great picture of me – it’s really not – but because it’s 8:45 in the morning and I’m wearing a jacket! Yes, folks, that’s right, we’re getting some honest to goodness fall here in North Carolina and I for one am seriously excited.

Less than sixty-degrees is a big deal. Sure we’ve had forays into the high sixties, but walking Scout Labradoodle at fifty-six is something I’ve been waiting for since the beginning of June. And it only gets better from here.

Make Friends with Faithfulness:

Other than being excited about Fall, the real reason I’m posting today is to share an amazing concept Rebekah talked about at a memorial service this morning.

As always, she met extensively with the immediate family this week, listening as they told stories about their mother and the way she engaged life with love, and purpose, and enthusiasm.

Then, preparing for the service, she searched the scriptures until God spoke specifically and clearly through Psalm 37. “Trust in the Lord and do good,” the ESV translates the passage; “dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.”

Or, as Rebekah put it in such a captivating turn of phrase, “Make friends with faithfulness.”

Making friends with faithfulness was exactly the right idea when it came to reflecting on Jane’s life. I’m fairly confident in saying that none of my readers knew Jane at all… but I am equally confident when I say that Rebekah’s message about Jane’s life can be a prophetic word for every one of us, regardless. Make friends with faithfulness; become intimately acquainted with fidelity to God and friendship with Jesus, and begin the process today.

A New Rubric to live by:

If you’re looking for a new rubric, a new way to think about what it means to live your life as someone who walks with God, then consider being a person who “makes friends with faithfulness.”

Once we place ourselves in proximity to God’s love, goodness, grace, justice, mercy, and promise – once we stand in the intention of becoming intimate with faithfulness – then we have defined the beginnings of a relationship that will continue to grow as we absorb the mercy of God.

How about this: make friends with faithfulness, stand with Jesus, embrace promise, and so know God.


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