more than just a good time – the church being the church!

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. – Acts 2:46-47

1-DSC_1038My initial inclination this morning was to write about the amazing Sunday we enjoyed yesterday. But first I’d like to share part two of Saturday’s Presbytery meeting instead. Part One – Doing Faith as a Church – includes some photographs you won’t want to miss.

Today’s focus is the balance of the meeting, the business and the fellowship and the mission of the church. The captions should help with the photos, but most of them stand alone as a pictorial essay featuring some of what God is up to in and through the twenty-five thousand or so Presbyterian followers of Jesus in this region of our state.

Mission in Focus!

glad and joyous fellowship

After worship there were breakout groups for conversation designed to share testimony, enthusiasm, and ideas. Then during lunch we were introduced to the local women who catered the meal, we heard about the PC(USA) One Great Hour of Sharing mission, we learned about an Earthcare initiative, and we were greeted and informed by the National executive representing PDA (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance).

  • Elder Barney Hale of the Kirk put it this way: “A meal that allowed a cultural showcase that introduced Presbyterians to cactus salad and Jamaica tea. A meal that allowed those being served by the church to become directly engaged in serving others… (And) I saw a host of exhibitors – all with important messages to share about faith in action. For delegates that stopped by, the exhibitors provided insight into how many ways love thy neighbor can take form.”
New Hope exec Ted Churn sharing vision

Over the course of the afternoon, church business included a challenging and positive report from our presbytery exec, the official closing of two faithful congregations who had completed their life-cycle, some routine parliamentary procedure, welcoming new ministers into the region, one retirement, commissioning those ready to begin ministry as newly-minted pastors, and much more.

All in all the day wove a beautiful tapestry of faith in motion that is always sharing, and celebrating, and reaching out into this broken, needy, hungry world.

And for all of this – and more – I am grateful – DEREK


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