A Portrait of Time

Even to your old age and gray hairs
    I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

Isaiah 46:4
– mum and dad

Typically, I don’t take a lot of photos of my parents. I’m not really a “portrait” photographer. But somehow – I’m not sure why – yesterday I felt a quiet tug at my heart to take advantage of the opportunity provided by the occasion, the amazing weather, and the ability of mum and dad to get out and about.

  1. “The occasion” was my mum’s birthday number 89. We enjoyed an outing in the afternoon and then I prepared mum’s favorite meal in the evening.
  2. “The amazing weather” was Wake Forest’s sunny and 74-degrees. Mid-September is serving as a hint of what is to come in the fall; there’s not too long to wait and it won’t be a moment too soon.
  3. “The tug at my heart” is likely the fact that, hey, 92 and 89 don’t happen that often in the same household! The tug may be related to the subtle yet hard to deny sense that we are – in one way or another – enjoying borrowed time.

If you want to read my words about my mum, click here for yesterday’s post – “181 and Counting!” If you just want to enjoy some great photographs from the day, then here they are.

Grateful, always – DEREK

One comment

  1. Such great photos, especially the last one. Yes we are not promised tomorrow. I so wish my grandmother was still alive. For now, I cling to the fact that one day I will see her in heaven!

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