A Walk Through the WFPC Church Garden

Newsflash: “DerekMaul.blog” sailed past the one million views mark sometime Sunday afternoon! I will make an announcement about the winner in tomorrow’s post. Thanks for your continued support.

I have a lot more to share from the weekend, but let’s ease into the week with a few photographs from the church garden. I walked through Sunday morning, just before worship, and the images provide just the dose of serenity a Monday morning needs.

The narrative of the Bible begins with a story in a garden. The scriptures end that way too. Adam and Eve “walked with God in the cool of the evening breezes…” (Genesis 3). Then in Revelation 22, “the leaves of the tree of life (in the garden by the river) are for the healing of the nations…”

So let’s walk with God this morning, in the garden, and answer the call to take that relationship into the world – that light, love, healing, and promise – for the healing of the nations.

Peace to all, peace to this community, peace to the nations – DEREK

Take a walk through the church garden:

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