Ethiopian Food, International Flavor, and Promise Rooted in Belief

Ethiopian food – Rebekah, Seth, Jesse, me, Heather, Sarah

Rebekah and I started out early Thursday morning, so we were able to make Jacksonville in time for dinner. It was touch and go for a while, though, given the usual holiday traffic conditions heading South on 95.

Regardless, we managed to pull into The Nile Ethiopian restaurant by 6:45 and join Rebekah’s brother Jesse’s family for our nephew Seth’s 25th birthday celebration.

I’ve gotta say, Ethiopian food is good! And, kudos to Seth for picking something exotic and adventurous, sight unseen.

We had a couple of huge combination baskets, sampling lamb, chicken, beef, vegetables and some interesting chick-pea creations, eaten by hand, using injera – a sour, spongy bread.

So I will close this difficult year out with an acknowledgment of and appreciation for the international flavor that calls to what is best in this country.

We are so much better when our eyes, ears, minds, and spirits are attuned to learning from one-another.

So, PEACE everyone. Let peace ring out with a purposeful message of hope and promise. And rooted in belief. Because we need the power of belief and we need the promise too.

In love, and because I honestly believe – DEREK

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