Summer Grandchildren, Part One – “Pure Love & Raw Energy”

– Geoffrey on the move!

Here’s a recent message: “Hey, Derek! Why didn’t you post anything to your blog yesterday?” Answer: “First, thanks for caring. Really. It means a lot. However, our home is currently a zoo. Too much fun; too much noise; too much drama: too much to do! These grandchildren are wonderful, amazing, the best. But there is literally zero opportunity.”

Naomi, David, Beks, and Geoffrey just now pulled out (Thursday late morning) on their way to Richmond, then Virginia Beach, then the Jersey Shore. We will see them again when they swing by on their way home to Orlando.

My first order of business is to get the house organized again – just a little. Then I’m catching up on some “to-dos.” So I’m going to share just a small slice of my joy.

The last time Geoffrey was here he was in his cast. This time around he is moving so fast and he tries to run. His favorite activity was to grab my hand, stand by the front door, and say “peese!” (please) with a cheesy grin on his face. The idea was for me to go outside with him and then we would go across to great-grandma Grace’s house, and back, and then around both driveways, and back, and repeat, and ditto, and do it again… and again….

Here is a 40-second video that’s well worth watching.

The amount of energy packed inside of a 20-month-old toddler is beyond amazing! So we have some skinned knees, a busted lip, various band-aids. The usual toddler-wants-to-go-fast routine.

Anyway, cuteness abounds. I have no energy left for words. So I will default once again to pictures. I know y’all won’t mind in the slightest!

Peace, blessings, and love – DEREK

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