All Things Bright and Beautiful #photofriday

– Eastern Bluebirds at Maul Hall

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all

All Things Bright and Beautiful:

If I had just the one photo today I’d share this one of Geoffrey pointing to the rainbow; I love the unique light that always seems to accompany the phenomenon, as if the subject is actually standing inside the rainbow.

In a sense Geoffrey is inside the rainbow. At least that’s the general outlook of a two-and-a-half year old, looking at the world through the prism of rainbows, and sunshine, and the occasional storm too. There’s another of him splashing in the puddles – pure joy.

Then here in North Carolina the hydrangea are just about starting their show. It will be another week or two before I have much to post but I wanted to photograph a few of these early blooms.

All Creatures Great and Small:

Our avian visitors have been very active this week, busy raising their new families and grateful for a little help in the grocery department.

– hard to identify

I have been determined to avoid photographs from the feeder, so I have to keep my eye out for those brief moments when they alight somewhere else. Endlessly fascinating.

My favorite – always – is the Eastern Bluebird. Then I really like this little guy (above right) who has been hard to identify.

Check out the rest of the crew in the gallery below. I think they are all spectacular in their own way.

All Things Wise and Wonderful:

Finally there is this classic of my mum on her way home from our house with – as always – a little support and guidance from Max.

Talking of Max, he turned nine earlier this month. It’s hard to imagine he is that old as we haven’t quite had him three years yet.

Max continues to be an amazingly positive presence for everyone in his life. He projects calm and peace and encouragement, and he gives my mum a sense of security and care that may well be the most effective intervention possible during this challenging time.

The Lord God made them all:

I used the opening verse of “All Things Bright and Beautiful” because it is such a simple, familiar, and true refrain.

Just let it rest in your consciousness today. Let the words inform your disposition. And be thankful. I know I am – DEREK


  1. My Rogers favorite bird was the bluebird. He enjoyed feeding the birds. My favorite is the chickadee, cute and fragile looking.

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