We are Better Together

– River Club

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching

Hebrews 10:24-25
– Rick, Derek, Keith

First, thanks to those who asked, “Why no post today?” (Wednesday) The answer has as much to do with being tired as anything else. I was, in a word, exhausted. The drive home, with as much bone rattling from Interstate 95 as Monday’s rollercoasters, set up a long night’s sleep and no time to write before launching into a new day.

What I did manage to accomplish Wednesday was a wonderfully relaxing game of golf with friends. It did me the world of good plus giving me a couple of things to think about.

First, I determined to actively not take photographs and to – instead – simply let the day wash over me. But then, somewhere around hole number 13, I was so overwhelmed with the beauty of the day I stopped to take two photographs: one looking back from the green toward the tee; then, turning the other way, from the 14th tee toward the fairway ahead.

Early fall. Temperatures in the mid-60’s. Crisp, cool, air. Perfect playing conditions. The company of good friends.

– 14th tee to fairway

The other item I am thinking about is the deep and restorative value of community. A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of playing two “scramble” golf tournaments in the same week. In a scramble you pick the best of the team’s shots then all hit from there. Repeat until the ball is holed. Both days my team ended up shooting around 67.

Two things happen in a scramble. First, almost every group ends up shooting better than par. That’s what we did. The other effect is to give everyone in the team a shot of confidence. “Wow!” we tend to think, “I’m better than I thought!”

Then, when you play a “regular” game like we did today, let’s just say none of us shot a 67!

Here’s the question. Is the boost of confidence gained in the scramble counterfeit, or is it real? Does scramble performance belie the reality that we’re all actually duffers?

On the surface, it’s easy to say “Yes! Derek is deluding himself if he thinks he’s any good at golf!”

But the truth turns out to be, “Not at all! The scramble experience is in actuality a better view of the truth.”

Okay, so here I am sounding delusional and proving the point! But not at all. The point happens to be that we – and this is especially important for men to understand – were not/are not created for the purpose of going it alone. We were in fact created for community.

We need each other!

We need each other. Not so much to cover for our inadequacies as to activate and embrace what is possible if we work together and encourage one another.

“67” is the truth about what I was created to experience. “107” (not any of our scores, by the way) is what happens when we try to go it alone.

God created us specifically for the purpose of cooperating and encouraging and having one-another’s back and supporting and holding each other accountable and cheering each other on and so much more.

– encouraging one another a couple of weeks back

Each one of us happens to have so much more to offer and so much more competance than we imagine; we just have to put ourselves in the proper relationship to God… and to one another.

… not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another!” – DEREK

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