One unique, confident, classy town

– our street late afternoon

But Jesus replied, “We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came.”

Mark 1:38

So it looks like we have hit this place running! Tuesday morning – waking up in Tarboro for the first time – I was walking Max by 6:20, making Rebekah’s breakfast by 7:00, and in the men’s Bible study by 7:30.

– behind our house

14 men around the long table, sipping coffee and talking about their faith, all ready with questions for the new guy. And of course I had some for them too.

Looks like we have two for the price of one!” more than one of the men told me…

“No you don’t,” I responded. “But you do have someone who is committed to following Jesus, committed to supporting the preacher and keeping her happy, who is absolutely going to be present and involved, and active in the life of this church….”

I had breakfast with some of the guys, I drove back to Wake Forest for a carload of stuff we need, I walked into downtown Tarboro to get all the utilities put in our name, and I worked on more house details.

What struck me over these first 24 hours has been the hospitality! Food… supplies… invitations… help… gift cards… wide open offers of friendship and support.

– behind our church

This town has a quiet, confident, classy, deeply Southern vibe. “After all your world travels, extensive education, church and cultural experiences,” one of the men said at Bible study, “you and Rebekah have finally arrived at the crossroads of Western civilization!”

Like I said, quiet, confident, and classy.

This is going to be fun! – Derek

– Rebekah moving into the pastor’s study

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